Corporate Partners

Our partners are extremely important and help us accomplish our goals.

Current Partners

The Green Foundation has teamed up with Jellyfish Energy to promote transparency and sustainability in the industry. Jellyfish Energy's mission is to help clients understand their energy usage and the charges they receive. This collaboration is expected to make significant strides in creating a brighter future for the planet, powered by renewable energy sources. By working together, The Green Foundation and Jellyfish Energy hope to inspire other companies to follow their lead in promoting transparency and helping the environment.

In the future, we hope to host events with Jellyfish Energy to raise funds for our environmental, social, and communal aims. This will also allow us to commemorate the work that has already been done and invite individuals who have contributed to the advancement of financing for those experiencing fuel poverty.

Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.